Charities we have supported

We were proud to support Carers in Bedfordshire in 2024. Carers in Bedfordshire is a registered charity. who help unpaid carers of all ages, across Bedfordshire, with information, support and advice. They give voice to the concerns of Carers and provide support groups and events. This year sees the 20th anniversary of Carers in Bedfordshire.
In June the Federation held a sponsored walk timed to coincide with Carers Week. Several WIs took part in the walk around Bedford Priory Park enjoying a fun day out.
Individual WIs have run events themselves to raise additional funds. Langford WI provided refreshments at a villgae fete and donated the £57 raised along with the sponsored walk making their donation of £150. Kempston Rural WI ran a raffle to celebrate their 70th anniversary and donating the proceeds to this worthy cause.

(Photo: Langford WI serving refreshments at the village fete.)
Quote from a Langford WI member: “The Langford Village Fete was in July and how the rain came down for the first couple of hours, but eventually the weather did clear up and people started to come out. Our WI members were kept very busy serving hot drinks and delicious cakes.”
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